Mr. Usman Malik
Chairman – PAAPAM
Dear Colleagues,
I am honored to have been elected to serve as Chairman of the Association for the year 2023-24. The Association has a history of outstanding Chairmans and I will strive to emulate the vision and leadership of the past leaders. Our Association represents more than 350 members, covering a large industrial network, who service a vibrant automotive industry, covering manufacture of four wheelers, two wheelers, tractors and heavy vehicles.
I am pleased to inform all the members that PAAPAM has obtained certification for ISO 9001-2015, and installed Corporate, Legal, Financial and HR modules to streamline our operations, for ensuring high standards of services to our members. These are challenging times for our auto parts industries due to skyrocketing cost increases of all the inputs, devaluation of rupee, lower demand for automobiles and shrinking profitability. We are continuously engaging with the OEMs and Government on all hindrances for early resolution of such encumbrances.
Following the legacy of my predecessors & continuing the process of evolution from a trade body to a business support organisation (BSO), I look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders towards betterment of the Auto Parts Sector, with the support of highly vibrant and experienced colleagues in the MC. Another major area that we would like to focus our attention on is our export sector. We would like to develop and strengthen our international relationships which have been developed after years of hard work. Export orientation will be the key to introducing new and upgraded technology for entering new markets.
I am sure that the new initiative of Business Development Committee (BDC) will create further business opportunities for our members with Ministry of Defence organisations, Pakistan Railways, SSGPL, SNGPL, Wapda etc, thereby contributing to foreign exchange savings through import substitution.
May Allah give our Managing Committee & myself the strength and wisdom to perform up to our prestigious members' expectations!